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Daily Roundup--October 6, 2011

TSA announces that 29 more airports are getting advanced imaging machines for passenger screening. These new machines come pre-installed with the stick figure image rather than taking a nude picture of the person going through.


MSNBC has an article on how Steve Jobs changed travel.


R.I.P Steve Jobs. Thanks for helping to make the electronics I carry smaller and lighter. 



Reader Comments (3)

And thank you Steve for my iPod that has nearly 2000 tunes on it......I can't imagine carrying the equivalent in CDs around with me!!
October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
Thank you for saving me from the blackberry/ipod combo I was considering when you introduced the iphone. Of course, I'm sure rim is cursing the day Jobs decided apple was going to make a phone their way.

As for the generic figure the TSA is introducing, I don't know why they couldn't have done this in the first place. Is privacy not a big concern of theirs?
October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEsther
Thanks for my ipod that travels with me holding music and movies. My Scion even has an ipod hook-up so I can have the music I want without commercials.
October 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLarry

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