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Leave your shoes and belts on....

Homeland Security Czar Janet Napolitano and TSA head-honcho John Pistole both stated in separate appearances that we’re moving towards an intelligence and risk-based approach to how we screen airline passengers.

Because of this new approach, and thanks to new technology, we may soon not have to take our shoes and belts off while going through airport security. This is similar to what is done in most of the world. 

In nearly 10 years since Richard Reid, the infamous “shoebomber,” tried to carry explosives in his shoes, not one person going through security has tried the same thing. 

However, no specific date for the change was mentioned.

Both also went on to say that one of the last restrictions to be lifted will be the one on liquids. Technology is far off on this one according to Napolitano.

It looks like we’re stuck with the 3-1-1 bag for quite some time. But, every little bit helps

(Frank II)

Reader Comments (4)

Wonder what they'll want us to give up in return for the "privilege" of leaving our shoes on?

Will they want us to be part of their "trusted traveler" program and expect us to give up a bunch of personal information to the government? Or will we have to subject ourselves to a bunch of personal questions from their highly vaunted behavior detection officers (sarcasm)?

If I sound skeptical when it comes to the TSA/DHS, it's because I am.
September 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteve
I'm sorry, but I don't believe we'll be able to leave our shoes and belts on. I've heard this same things two years ago about the liquids. They have some great new technology that will allow us to better screen liquids so you can carry full sized liquids... never materialized, and I don't think this will either.
September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDerek
Don't think this will happen for adults, everything has to be off for the scanners and most shoes have shanks that alarm the wtmd. I think they are looking at younger people. the newer xrays alarm on liquids so that would be a pain in the arse, the lines would be out the door. Janet is not the sharpest tool in the shed and has the TSA shaking their head on this statement. I just packed for a 10 day Europe trip. I fit all my liquids in the qt size bag with no problem. I know our hotel will have toilet articles and our apartment we rented does also. I brought the solid shampoo and conditioner so doesn't need to go into the 3-1-1 bag. I have it all in a 22 inch landor hawa and one small backpack for my meds, headphones, paperwork and my luxury item, a small goose down blankie for the plane and hotels that can be used for a pillow. I love that MOST everyone has learned they can do with less liquids.
September 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterflpab
Actually, I just flew back through Orlando and they had signs in several of the lines that you did not have to take shoes off...
September 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJeff Mac

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