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Gear Review: Zaggkeys Flex Bluetooth Keyboard

I no longer take a computer with me when I travel. My Nexus 7 does just about everything I need including the use of a very good on-screen keyboard.

But for serious typing, I have to take a separate one. I already had a Verbatim folding wireless bluetooth keyboard but wasn’t satisfied with it. It was clunky, laid out poorly and a pain to type on. I needed to find something else.

After much searching, I came across the Zaggkeys Flex Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard. I’m glad I did.

The Flex measures 9.4 x 5.0 x .75 inches and weighs 6.3 oz/128g (11.3 oz/320g with case.)

It has a  rechargeable battery that supposedly lasts for weeks.  (I haven’t had to recharge yet.)

The keyboard contains island style/chiclet keys and there is also a row of special function keys for both audio control and word processing.

The front panel has (L to R) an on/off switch, Android/ios switch to choose between the two types of devices, the pairing button and the micro usb charging port.


The cover folds up into a stand for your tablet. No need to carry an extra one.

When in it’s case, the Flex keyboard keeps a very slim profile.

Pairing was easy on both Android and Apple devices and took a matter of seconds for each one. The keyboard is easy to use and I was quickly up to speed. It is slightly smaller than full size but I’m able to do modified touch typing with no problem. I’m very satisfied with this product.

The Zaggkeys Flex keyboard sells for $79 but it’s available at Amazon.com for less. (If you’re not in a rush, you might want to monitor the price. As the time I’m writing this review, it’s selling for $64. Three weeks ago I paid $52. If you do decide to order from Amazon, please use the link in this paragraph as we get a small commission that goes towards the operation of this website. There’s no additional charge to you.)


Reader Comments (9)

I use this keyboard as well- I really like that it is a separate keyboard (not a case) so I don't have to switch cases to use it. I don't use mine super often, but I have had mine since March and only recharged it once- battery has lasted a long time.

(PS- they are slightly less if you get them as a Amazon warehouse deal, which is what I did- looks like there are a couple available right now for ~ $52)
November 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJenn
Thanks so much for posting this! I just got a Google Nexus 7 and have been looking and looking for a keyboard to go with it. Am traveling right now and wish I had it! Thanks again for more great stuff.
November 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRosenbeans
I have the Logitech tablet keyboard for iPad which I think works really great. ThereĀ“s also an android version as well. I was also thinking of getting a Nexus 7 for a more mobile use. How well does it works as a travelling device, specially its gps? pros and cons?
November 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCalle Z
I'll be doing a review of the Nexus 7 in the coming weeks.

As for GPS, it works fine except you can only program one trip at a time. If you want another one, you have to connect via wifi.

I don't really use it for that. I like it's small size and weight to replace my computer. I can surf the net, write, listen to audio, watch videos, etc. I'll use my phone if I need a GPS device.
November 30, 2012 | Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW
Can be had here http://www.all4cellular.com/product/zagg-zaggkeys-flex-bluetooth-keyboard-bulk.html for $34.95 through December 7th. Coupon code "A4C10" cuts it to $31.45 with free shipping.
December 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commenternasua
Have you tried using it on a plane? Most airlines state that bluetooth mice and keyboards are prohibited from use so I wonder if you'd get in trouble with the flight attendants.
December 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBrian Baker
Technically, bluetooth devices are not permitted because they transmit a signal. (The FAA is currently looking into changing this rule.)

I, personally, have not used it. However, should you use it, and a flight attendant asks you to turn it off, and you comply, perhaps with a "sorry," there won't be a problem. If you continue to use it after being warned, then you could get into trouble.

Since getting mine, I haven't had a long enough flight where I needed to use it. I, personally, like to use flight time as down time to get some rest and relaxation. I'm actually more productive in whole not working on planes than when I used every moment to work, work, work.

But everyone is different.
December 28, 2012 | Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

On November 30, 2012, you said "I'll be doing a review of the Nexus 7 in the coming weeks."

Where is the review?
March 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSteve
I forgot all about it. Thanks for the reminder. I'll get one posted in the next few days.
March 2, 2013 | Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

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