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Japan Airlines To Serve KFC

I have been flying long enough to have see just about everything the airlines have to offer. From cheerful service and lots of perks to sullenness and extra fees for everything.

Food has always been a contentious area. Sure, we’ve made fun of it, but it was something we could rely on. Granted, we’ve gone from china and real silverware to plastic utensils on paper plates to well, individually wrapped sandwiches and salads at a la carte (ridiculous) pricing. 

But one thing that has remained constant is the knowledge that almost all airlines serve a chef created meal on international flights. Well, at least until now.

For a limited time, Japan Airlines will be serving Kentucky Fried Chicken on select flights.

I kid you not.

Reader Comments (1)

Many times we forget the fact that traveling is the most crucial part of life and we move ahead with our routine work and ignore the thought that we need a break. Surely this blog will make many people realize that. Good luck and thank you for posting such a good write up
March 22, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterguru karanam

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