Weighty Issues
Well, it’s finally happened. One airline has decided to start charging for seats based on your weight.
When you book a seat on Samoa Air you are asked to estimate the total weight of yourself and your luggage. You will then pay a certain rate per kilo. The less weight you bring on board, the less you pay. (Aren’t you glad you’re a onebagger!!!!). When you get to the airport, you and your bags are weighed. If you’re close to your estimate you’re good to go. If you are a lot more, you pay more. Don’t expect a refund if you paid too much.
And if that isn’t enough to get your diet started, Delta Airlines will begin unveiling new, smaller lavatories on the 737-900’s they plan to start flying later this. That’s right, smaller than the current ones.
While they won’t go into specifics, these new bathrooms will allow the airline to install four additional seats in coach.
Is it me or are airline flights getting to be on par with bad bus trips?
Reader Comments (3)
"Airbus plans to reduce the size of its window seats to make room for wider ones in the aisles.
Those requiring the larger seats would have to pay more for their flight."
I only sit in the aisle seat. I don't need a wider one but, if travelling on an Airbus, it could mean I have to pay more. Not at all happy about this.