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Tempest in a todder's cup

sippy.jpgMost have now heard the story of the poor mother who was hassled recently over her toddler’s sippy cup at a TSA checkpoint at Washington’s Reagan National Airport. Much was made by the blogosphere of this “incident” but the TSA’s video seems to prove that she was the one who lost it. She does not appear to have been mistreated. This brings up an important point: While many of the airport security measures are ridiculous, the TSA is not always wrong. And their employees are not evil; they are human — which means some are better than others and none of them are perfect. No matter how ridiculous the security procedures are, the fact remains that being polite, patient, and cooperative is the best way to get through. Write your congressman if you don’t like the TSA, but be nice to their employees if at all possible.

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