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You knew this was going to happen

Do strip search scanners really enhance security? Maybe. Do they facilitate locker room humor and offer infinite opportunity for embarrasment and coarse jokes? Definitely.

An airport security guard allegedly battered a colleague who ridiculed him about the size of his manhood after he walked through a hi-tech body scanner.

Miami-Dade Police say Rolando Negrin snapped because he ‘couldn’t take the jokes anymore’.

During a training session at Miami International Airport, Negrin’s co-workers had noticed his private parts as he walked through a new ‘whole body image’ machine. - Daily Mail

Don’t worry, I’m sure only employees are subjected to this type of scrutiny — never passengers. See the police report here.

Reader Comments (6)

At my agae I'd be glad if any one even noticed.
May 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Actually, for me I couldn't care in the least if they are amused, excited, or
anything in between. I am the one preparing to fly to someplace at
least interesting, if not exciting, while they are stuck at their job.

Most likely, I will never see these individuals again, and as Monte so
wonderfully stated, at my age if they paid any attention at all I'll be glad.

Another tempest in a teapot.

Happy travels,
May 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul
I feel rather sorry for the fellow who was repeatedly ridiculed- even though he eventually retaliated against one of his coworkers. It seems, he gets to be victimized all over again by the media posting his name, picture and then tagging him the "guy with a small penis."

Additionally, from the security photos shown in this story, it looks as if contraband could still be well hidden within a couple of orifices. Perhaps, a full prison strip search is necessary to insure our collective safety? Obviously, a bit of dark humor on my part.
May 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie
These scanners would be well served if they made a
serious effort to conduct themselves in a professional
manner at work. After all we are relying on their integrity
for our safety before boarding the aircraft.The scanners
are not intended for side shows.
May 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDan
The last sentence is meant to read as---

The scanning machines are not intended for side shows.
May 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDan
Does it look to anyone else like a different person wrote everything after "was upset after a training"? The letters stopped slanting and the use of upper/lower case letters is more inconsistent than the rest of the document. Also, "on" looks cursive in "made fun of him on a daily basis", and there is no other cursive in the rest of the document. Just a thought.
May 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterScout

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